Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A little about me!

My name is Jacque'Line Wright, and I will be a Sr. at UC in the upcoming semester. I hope to graduate with a degree in Communications, a minor in Psychology, a Public Relations certificate, and a Deaf Studies certificate.

I was a member of the UC dance team my Freshman and Sophomore year, but recently decided to focus on my studies. Last semester I also decided to switch from Sign Language interpreting, to Communications. I have been very happy with the changes I made, and am excited to be able to put more energy into my future!

I am currently spending my Summer in San Francisco, and am absolutely loving it! I've gotten to see the city, and all the different cultures that live there. I have gotten to travel to some  beaches near by, along with a trip to Lake Tahoe! In the near future I have a trip to Napa, and a trip to Monterey beach.  The night life is endless, and I haven't eaten a meal that isn't fantastic. My trip has been quite wonderful; but I can't wait to get home to my doggies.

I'm excited to see what this class has in store for me!

Talk with ya'll soon!

Jacque'Line Wright

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